Thursday 22 October 2009

Almost All grown up!

I had to throw away my daughter’s very first toothbrush today. It was quite sad. Momentous, really. Her very first toothbrush. All worn out and very well used.
But still good enough to keep using, if you asked me.
Had she not decided that the toilet needed scrubbing, she’d still be using it.
I had a horrible sentimental moment, hovering over the dirtbin where I actually seriously considered framing it and putting it up on my wall… (a little bit of left-over infertility insecurity, if you ask me!)
Today it’s her first toothbrush in the trash. Tomorrow, who knows? Her first boyfriend?
Perish the thought!
If someone discovers a “pause” button on kids growing up, please let me know. Willing to pay lots of hard-earned cash for it.

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