Monday 17 March 2008

Rainy Daze

It's been raining for four days. A steady, clean-washing, soaking-in kind of rain. The kind that makes you wish for a cuddly blanket, a cat on your lap, socks on your feet and a good book to read. And a stack of pancakes. The kind that makes you nostalgic for places you've never been. Romantic, misty places where magical things happen.
It's also the kind that turns your driveway into mush.
And makes you get stuck in the mud on your way to work.

The kind that requires someone to come and tow you out.

And have a good laugh at your expense.
And make you late for work.
And make you wish that you could rather be at home, on your denim couch, with a blankie, a few cats, socks on your feet, a good book and a stack of pancakes.
And that's about all I have to say about that.
That and, oh where oh where is a sick note when you need one?

PS. Your comments to my post on Friday made me cry my eyes out. Of course, at that stage it didn't take much to make me cry, already. With me being such a sop and all. But really, you guys are so thoughtful and kind. Words fail me. Thanks so much!
Incidentally, when I was worshiping this morning, I asked God what it was that He wanted me to do. Was there something He wanted me to do. Or should I just wait on Him. The answer came through immediately and clearly: Just TRUST Me.
So that's what I'm going to try my very best to do. Wait on Him. Trust Him. Stop doubting His plan for me. And along the way, stop being miserable. If possible. And with God, ALL things are possible, right?
Many of your comments said exactly that, when I read between the lines. I think God's trying to tell me something. And I'm going to be listening.


Anonymous said...

From: Jesus' hand will touch you, too. (by the one & only Max Lucado)
John 9-(about the man blind from birth) Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind? Neither,God replies,the reason he was born blind was so that"the works of God might be displayed in him". Selected to suffer. Talk about a thankless role. Some sing to God's glory.Others teach to God's glory. Who wants to be blind for God's glory?Which is tougher-the condition,or to discover it was God's idea?Then Jesus spits on the ground,mixes it & applies the clay to the man's eyes.John says the man came back seeing..Jesus heard they had thrown him out and went and looked for him.Max Lucado ends by saying, as Jesus came for the blind man,Jesus will come to you. The hand that touched the blind man, will touch you too. Like you said we have to learn to trust God in whatever His plan is for our lives. God bless you always. jean

Char said...

Jean, thank you SO MUCH for sharing that with me. I just love Max Lucado's writings and I am touched that you took the time to write such a beautiful, long comment for my benefit. I'm sure many other people will be blessed by your comment, too.
Thanks so much!