Thursday 1 March 2007

My hand's cramping!

Here's the thing.

See, if I really have to lay myself open for a lot of criticism (big word for this late at night - sorry if the spelling's been abused) I suppose I would have to admit that one of the main reasons I wanted to start blogging is because there's this whole world (literally!) of people out there. Really. And if I am the only one of my friends that cannot join The Moms Club, then my (slightly inferior) logic tells me there must be a whole bunch of others out there who are also looking for a "lonely-and-broken-hearted-cos-I'm-not-a-mom" club to belong to. Anyone?
No, I'm not looking for your sympathy. OK, maybe just a little bit. But really, what I'm actually hoping for, is to find a few other God-fearing people who don't mind admitting that sometimes it's hard to be faithful. Like heart-breakingly-fist-clenchingly-resolve-destroyingly tough. Anyone out there?
Maybe this question will draw a few blanks from those of you who always get your prayers answered exactly the way you wanted them to, at exactly the time you expected it, without any hesitation. And you will most likely be one of the number who will respond to me with a "just have faith" or a "God knows best" or one of the many other platitudes I've been fed. I do believe God knows what's best. What I'm struggling with is the loneliness and the fatigue of "hanging in there". Is anyone else's hand cramping in trying to hang on?

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