Thursday 3 May 2007

Hope, that horrible hairy monster

You know, I don't even know why I'm doing this, but I'm doing it anyway. I can't even really tell you what I'm thinking when I'm doing it, except maybe that I've tried everything else, why not give this new therapy a bash too. I'm not even hopeful that it will work, so even that's weird. Usually, hope creeps up on me when I'm not expecting it (haha! "expecting it!" What a bad pun!) and drags me back into it's hole. But not this time. This time I'm just going through the motions. Oh, did I mention I'm doing Ozone Therapy? Mmm... I might have overlooked telling you that, what with all the commotion going on in our lives right now. So, anyway, here's a pic of me enjoying the Ozone Therapy. Today was my second session. I must go everyday for ten days. Apparently. And it's supposed to help with fertility. Apparently. I honestly don't know why I'm doing it. Haven't a clue. Because I think the last time I smacked hope in the face, I might have done some serious damage to it.


Anonymous said...

OH MY WORD! Hey Char, now look here, I always thought that you were a bit of fruit cake, but now it looks like you are cooking yourself too.... hee hee. Well, you know what, you really have got nothing to loose. If it makes you feel great, then it has done what you had hoped it would do. You really have nothing to loose. Next time please don't wait till after 5 to update your blog. By 10:00 I need a distraction from work, and frantically in search to read something that you have written. Today I had withdraw symptoms because I could not read your blogg. Please, even if it is someting short to get me through the morning. Thanks, love you lots you crazy daisy! Your one and only sister, Aurette

Anonymous said...

Hi Char

Just to let you know i am thinking alot of you these days. There are more people praying for you than you will ever realise. love you stax!!
love me- Landi