Monday 7 May 2007

Sweet revenge

When we were still trying to fall preggy, I subscribed to one of those newsletter thingy-me-bobs that would send an email to you once every week or every month or so, telling of new discoveries in fertility treatments, and tips on how to achieve pregnancy oh-so-easily. Mmm... clearly that worked very well for us.
So, anyway, when we fell pregnant, I unsubscribed to those fertility ones and subscribed to pregnancy related newsletters instead. Needless to say I spent HOURS poring over every detail in those newsletters. Don't you know you could never go through pregnancy without knowing every single ounce of information currently available? Likewise miscarriage, blah blah blah. When we had our miscarriage, I once again unsubscribed to those preggy newsletters and decided anything preggy related was taboo for the time being. Did not want any newsletters appearing in my inbox, whatsoever.
So, imagine my horror when a few months ago (on our due date) I received bunches - and I mean bunches - of emails congratulating us on the birth of our daughter (that's what the chinese calendar said little Jodi-lee would have been) and sending me vouchers to use on their websites. As if that's not enough to send me teeter-tottering over the edge, almost every month since then I get emails saying "by now, your baby should be doing such and such... blah blah blah" and this after I've sent hundreds nay, thousands of UNSUBSCRIBE requests. Baskets.
Way to get my blood boiling. I have already conjured up every imaginable method of torture for those webmasters idiots. What a pity I'm not computer savvy. One of my most favourite contrived instruments would be a virus for their hub. One that would fill their inboxes with spam. Loads and loads of spam. Loads and loads and more loads and even more loads. And the cherry on the cake? A "you have new mail" message that sounds every time a new spam message registers on their system. Ahhhh... sweet bliss. That would be justice.
Please excuse me while I savor my smug imaginings. And delete yet another blasted newsletter from my inbox.

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