Tuesday 22 May 2007

While I'm on the subject of Thankfulness...

Here's my next most favourite "person" on planet earth. I adore her. And really, she is more of a person than a cat. She even talks to me. Every morning. Usually at around three a.m. when she wants me to know she's about to have breakfast. Needless to say, she's not my favourite right then... but by the time I'm up and about, with my cuppa in hand, I am adequately recovered to appreciate her adoration again. Isn't she the most beautiful little kitty you've ever seen? Oh, by the way, her name's Moon. Yes, Moon. We were given her and her brother on the last day of our honeymoon. We named him Honey. And her Moon. What can I say? We were young!
(Oh, and uh, yes, that was our bathroom... she loves keeping me company when I'm bathing.)


Kelly said...

What a beatiful cat! I'll have to post a pic of my sweet kitty.

Kate said...

She is a beautiful cat! Thanks so much for your sweet comment. I am glad to have found your blog. I will bookmark you and plan to catch up. :) Off to read more!