Wednesday 28 November 2007


My heart is pumping thick lumpy custard! Siggghhhh... Guess what is sitting on my lap right now? Our brand new little kitty, which Robin rescued from a tyre dump in town today! Just look at this cutie pie! Awwwww, hello kitty...

She's been purring on my lap all day. Apart from the times she almost suckled my finger nails off that is. Isn't she just the most beautiful little thing? So, we're brainstorming names. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Jo said...

Hey she's cute - she looks like our O'Mally only he has yellow eyes.

I wanted to call him Toulouse (like aristo cats but Riley picked O'Mally the ally cat)

Since she's all back how about Midnight? I'll think some more today but she's really cute