Friday 2 March 2007

There's more to me than my bits

Yay! How much fun is blogging? I think I have discovered my calling. Thanks for all the emails I received after you'd had a look at my little blogspot, and especially for all the love you sent my way. Sooo many of you emailed me to let me know you care about me and wanted to make sure I know that you do and to reassure me that God will look after me and in the way that is best for me. Thanks a lot guys! I am feeling the love! And no, I'm not being glib. I really do appreciate it.
You do know that the reason I'm blogging isn't a means of looking for sympathy, hey? Just checking. Because that really isn't my reason for publishing my thoughts. Although I must say, it's been excellent for my feel-good-barometer! haha. Why I'm blogging is really more about a need to let it "all hang out" instead of bottling up my feelings about this part of my life. I'm inviting you all along for the ride, because too many times I find myself smiling brightly and putting on my happy face, when beneath that mask lurks many hurting, hard and dark thoughts.
But ALSO, and more importantly, I want to regain a sense of normalcy to my life. To rediscover the other parts of who I am. For too long Char has lain dormant, hibernating within my neatly constructed cocoon labelled Infertile. But, I am SO READY to be just Char again. Not Char, the one who can't have kids. Not Char, on hormones and turning into dragon woman. Not Char, the bitter resentful one who you can't talk about children in front of. Nor Char the prickly pear who you can't love. Just Char.
Because there is so much more to me than my scrambled eggs.
You know it, and that's why you've hung in there with me.
Thanks for holding me up and for taking the weight off my cramping hands!
P.S. Do you guys find the black background and light text hurts your eyes? If so, lemme know and I'll think about changing it. Haha. I quite like the way it looks.
P.P.S. Feel free to leave your comments here. I like the emails, but there are plenty others who would benefit from your comments too. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Also mir tuts weh... 8-0

Ansonsten schön, von Dir zu lesen, offen, ehrlich - so ein Blog hat was, finde ich auch. Ich denk an Dich! Grüße aus good old... Ciao Thomas#

Anonymous said...

Hier noch eine Liste mit guten Blogger-Starthilfen (z.T. auf deutsch, andere auf englisch).

Anonymous said...

I will enjoy reading your inner thoughts. We do not always have the time to really chat so this is great. The black background does look good, but it is a bit difficult to read. Maybe it is just me.... Love you loads, Aurette

Char said...

Thanks Aurette n Tommilee.
Mmmmmm.... maybe I should change the black background. Both of you have said it hurts your eyes. Boo hoo! That sux.

Fanx anyway.
Char x