Tuesday 6 March 2007

Sisters are angels

...but I've not always felt that way. We are three years apart; me being the younger frivolous one. This made for many years of frustration on her part, especially through the "you're still a child and I'm not" years.
I have so many excellent memories of the two of us as children. Running around on the farm. Her instigating me into mischief. She'd probably tell you it was more the other way round, with me being the little devil. But she'd be lying. (There are benefits to having my own blog that she can't edit!) She was the one picking up stompies behind the labourers on the farm. If I was old enough when she did it, I would probably have been the one ratting on her. Snigger snigger. Yes, I'm a goody-too-shoes.
But she was the one who allowed me to crawl into her bed late at night when the boogey-man was hiding behind the curtains. And she was the one who would walk me down the long dark passageway to switch on the bathroom light when I'd need the loo. She's also the one who would switch off the light and run away as soon as I would be perched on the loo!
Yes, we had lots of fun together.
The teen years were tricky. As most teen years are. But here again, she was both the angel who would always rescue me and the terrorist who'd tease me to distraction.
I'm so glad God saw it fit to give me to a mom who'd already had my sis. He knew we'd be the perfect chalk-n-cheese tjommies. I can't imagine my life without her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I can relate...! Hanlie