Thursday 15 March 2007

One day, when I grow up...

... I wanna be Drew Barrymore. Full Stop. Why do you wanna be Drew Barrymore? you wanna know... I'm so glad you asked!
For a few reasons. Most of my reasons begin with a B, which stands for:
  • Beautiful.
  • Boobs.
  • Babelicious lips.
  • Booty.
  • Barrel-loads of money.
Now now, before all of you start thinking I have lesbian tendencies, which I dont, there's more to this thing about Drew Barrymore that makes her absolutely fascinating. Maybe it's that she grew up in front of the camera and being the closet lurkers that we all are (yes, I know you've all googled your ex's names!) we like to watch other people.
Robin and I go people-watching all the time. We traipse down to our fave mall, veg out in our fave coffee spot, and watch the passers-by. We can sit there for hours, without needing to fill the air with chit-chat. I like chit-chat, but sometimes just watching is also fun. The combination of being surrounded by books, the aroma of coffee, usually good music playing in the background etc. all adds up to one very happy Char. Almost all of my favourite things in close proximity to eachother.

The thing about people-watching is that it makes you feel good about yourself. You see all sorts of people out and about. Fatties, thinnies, baldies, oldies, youngies, hippies, grungies... you name it. And usually we do a mental comparison between ourselves and the person we're watching. Well, they're fatter than me. I'm not that old. At least I don't dress like a curtain rod. What was that guy thinking when he did his hair this morning? and so on. Usually we have a chuckle or two at their expense, the minute they're out of earshot. Yes, we're very bad. But don't you be climbing on your high horse. Nope, you do it too. And then when we're all satisfied that we "blend" or that we "stand out" or that we're "better off", or that "we must be so much happier than them!" we hop into our fancy air-conditioned vehicles and drive home to our Mr and Mrs Jones homes and veg some more.
Nothing brings out the "I wonder what they're thinking of me" more than that much dreaded anticipated invitation to the old School Reunion. You get your invitation and you're like... Oh my goodness... I have to get thin before I go. I need to get my hair done and my nails fixed... Why? Because we want others to think we're highly successful and that we have made it, of course.
I think I'm (finally!) beyond caring what other people think of me. Which brings me back to Drew Barrymore. Yes, when I grow up, I wanna be Drew Barrymore. Because she just is. She dresses however she wants. Works on whatever projects she wants to work. Doesn't brush her hair somedays. Loves her partner (whoever he might be at any given moment) passionately and wholeheartedly. And she laughs unreservedly from the very bottom-most part of her gutt. Wouldn't it be groovy being Drew?

Watch this space. I might just rock up at work tomorrow dressed in my pj's and without brushing my hair.

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